break up

I have a story to tell

I have a story to tell.  It’s buried deep in my subconscious and won’t come out.  I can’t tell you the number of times I have started this story only to stop in frustration because the words don’t sound right, the beginning is not catchy enough etc.  What is this story about you may ask…well it’s about my life.  Yeah I know we all have a life story and I am not saying that mine is any better or worse, for that matter, than anyone else’s.  What I am saying is I NEED to get this story out of my head.  In my heart I know it will be inspirational to so many young women.  I have a story to tell that will inspire, empower, bring tears and even lots of laughter.  I KNOW my story is a great one.  The only problem I have is putting it on paper.  I have no clue where to start.  I am extremely frustrated and have no clue where to go for help.

I am not entirely sure of what I am expecting, fame, wealth or just a peace of mind to have my story told.  I know my life story is ongoing because I am still here.  The story I want to tell is how I got here.  What roads did I travel to make it to this point.  The sacrifices, the blood, sweat and tears that built the life that I now have.  I am 44 years old and sometimes feel as if I have lived a lifetime.  My story isn’t all tragic…there are so many high points.  I have been through a lot…some things no one even wants to think about.  I have a story to tell and I know it will help someone.  If I can just get my story out of my mind and on paper…..any suggestions???

Don’t forget to remember

When I was 9 I met a boy named Tony.  My mother used to send me to NC from NY for the summers.  I was at my cousins house and we had people over and Tony was one of those people.  He was silly and funny and had the biggest smile I had ever seen.  He lived up the hill in the apartment community my cousin lived in and they lived at the bottom.  Tony never walked anywhere.  Whenever you saw him he was running..he had this unstoppable energy.

That first summer was the summer I fell in love with him.  We had so much fun!  Our world consisted of that one street with him running down the hill to be with me.  It didn’t matter if he had someone; when I came back into town it was all about me.  I smile even now when I think about those days.

Tony and I had our on again and off again through the years.  The early years resulted in my oldest daughter and drama that I never thought I would have to go through.  He got someone else pregnant at the same time I was pregnant.  My young 19 year old mind could not handle it and I thought I would die…well as we can all see…I made it!  I am digressing and that story was told in another post.

Tony and I eventually would part ways and do our own thing.  My thing was raising my daughters and working to find my happiness.  His thing was drugs.  He got hooked on crack and his life was never the same.  The years would not be kind to him.  He spent time in and out of prison.  He was constantly trying to get himself together but his addiction would not allow it.  He was homeless more than he had a home.  His relationships were more for a place to live and a benefactor than anything else.  The sad reality was for many years I was his supporter.  I enabled him to be what he was without realizing it.  My attempts to help him only gave him the means to do what he wanted to do and that was run the streets and smoke.

As I think about it, in every phase of my life Tony has been there.  If you would view my life in movie form you would see him lurking in the background waiting to step in.  He was around for both of my marriages (either before the marriage or after) and a few serious relationships and break ups.  He knew my family and could keep track of what was going on with me.  It’s like he knew when to step back in the picture.  I was vulnerable to him.  I loved him and each time he showed up I would forget what he did and move forward hoping that this time things would be different.  They never would be.

A few times he would dangle rehab in front of me to give him another chance.  What I noticed is that he always wanted me to find the programs, make the calls and set up the appointments.  At first I was quick to move to make it happen.  All I could think was he wanted help and I was going to get it for him! When things didn’t work out, I found myself to blame for it falling apart.  He did everything he could to avoid accepting responsibility for his addiction.  He would even go so far as to minimize his crack use…he would say things like “I know I do my thing, but at least I do work”.  He was right, he did work..then go right out and blow it.

The first time he actually stole from me was 4 years ago.  I had grocery money in my wallet and he must have came in that night, took my money and left.  That morning he watched me get up, get dressed and go to the store knowing my money wasn’t there.  I was so angry and hurt that he would do this to me.  How dare I think I was anything special…I always felt that his addiction would never affect me.  If i’m honest, his addiction has always affected me; I just conveniently forgot to remember those times.

As my girls got older they noticed what was going on.  He was never a real dad to my daughter because somewhere he stopped growing up himself.  I honestly don’t know why I kept going back other than the hope that each time would be different.  I would tell myself that I loved him.  The reality is that I was in love with the idea of life with him without drugs.  I hung in there hoping things would change.  Even though I loved Tony I was no longer IN love with him.  Our being together became a habit.

The one thing I have come to realize is someone on drugs will only stop when they WANT to.  No one can make them, force them or scare them into doing it.  The only way to be strong enough to walk away from this type of relationship is to love YOU more than you love that person.  I realized that I deserved more than what I was getting.  I knew that I could be happier alone than constantly on edge in a house waiting.  Waiting on something to get missing or my vehicle to get taken.

Today is a new day.  I have not seen Tony in a very long time.  My last interaction with him was picking up my truck from an off ramp on I-40 after the police stopped him for buying crack.  Luckily for me I had reported my truck stolen as to avoid having my vehicle impounded.  After that night I never saw him again.  I get a call every now and then..but trust you me…I won’t EVER forget to remember, what he is.  Until he has made the choice to handle his addiction he will not be a part of my life.

Dear Jane

Break ups are hard….there is no question about it.  Whether you have known that person for a week, a month or more, if your feelings are involved a break will affect you.  Now, some are affected differently than others, but for me it’s all in how you break up.  If we talk about it and somehow closure is given, I may be hurt but I can move on without that constant thought of what did I do to ruin this relationship.  My recent breakup has left me feeling a bit raw.  Oh, I get that for some reason unknown to me my “man” (I say this loosely) decided he didn’t want this anymore.  There could have been a slew of reasons and I probably would have accepted them all had he told me.

Instead of taking the mature route and actually talking to me he sent me a dear jane text.  The text was bad enough, however, I got this text not 3 days after a wonderful day spent together.  Ladies, if we are honest with ourselves we usually see the signs that things are going down hill.  It may start with his lack of enthusiasm when texting you.  Or his short and distant responses.  It could even be that he has cut down on the calls or the offers to get together.  The bottom line is we see it, BUT, we choose to ignore the signs in hopes of a turnaround.

What this does for our self esteem is maddening.  We start to second guess ourselves.  Wondering if it’s something we have done or are doing wrong.  We start to walk on egg shells hoping to prevent any further “mess ups”.  The pressure alone is enough to drive you crazy.  The entire time you are going through this drama in your own mind, your man is acting like his life is wonderful.  Because it is!!  He has already made his decision, he is just working up the nerve to tell YOU.  There are men who are strong enough to deal with a face to face break up.  But the majority of them are scared as hell.  They don’t want any drama, or to answer the why question so they just do it without facing you…the cowards!  The sad thing for me is I asked my man on more than one occasion, including the day we had our last wonderful day, if things were good.  His reply was to always say that things were great and if he had a problem he would tell me.  Well he sure did!  He told me in a 3 sentence text message that he no longer wanted the relationship, he was sorry for hurting me “but this is goodbye sweetheart”.

It has been hard for me to move on.  The reason being is as a woman I need closure.  Men don’t seem to get this.  I honestly feel they get a sense of power out of knowing you are going crazy wondering why.  After my break up I went online to see how many others got the book via text and WOW was I surprised.  The one word that was always given in these posts was closure or the lack there of.  Many women, years after a break up are affected because there was never an ending.  Just an abrupt break.  Most of them stated that he just stopped returning text messages and not answering the phone.  They didn’t even have the decency to end it in any manner.  At least I got a text!

Having closure helps me to evaluate me.  I can look at what I did and not repeat these things in my future relationship. It has taken many weeks and a few sleepless nights to realize that this is NOT my issue.  He made a decision, and he acted on it.  Although I don’t agree with how it was done I have to accept it and find my own closure in order to move on.  That is where stalkers people who are unable to move past whatever they are feeling for a person.  They think by staying in some form of contact, that person will one day realize they messed up.  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG…the only thing you are helping that person realize is they made the best decision in getting rid of you.

I have no tips on how to handle the dear jane text breakup or any breakup for that matter.  I am still having good and bad days but I am moving forward with my life.  I know me and it’s clearly his loss.  One day he may come trailing back around..will I take him back?  Who knows!  Right now all I can do is put one foot in front of the other while reaching back to close that door.